My Curly Mane
Embracing The Journey & Your Naturally Curly Hair
Hi, I’m Nay! I’ve been a naturally curly girl all my life and enjoy sharing and exchanging hair knowledge. I’m also a writer, artist, marketer, instructor, and all-around free-spirited gal! I’m sharing all my hair knowledge on this site to help you learn how to take care of your curly mane.
Getting Started

A Curly Girl’s Essentials
Discover the key items to help you maintain your natural hair. No more guessing and stressing! It’s time to learn to love, care, and showcase your tresses.
Popular Tips
Want some quick wins? Use these stylings today, so you’ll never have a bad hair day!
Do Your Own Thing
It’s your hair, and you have the right
to treat it as you’d like.
to treat it as you’d like.