by Nay | Dec 30, 2013 | Life Lessons
Hey Curlies! After a waaaaayyyy too long hiatus, My Curly Mane is back! Yes, just in time for the New Year. I want to start 2014 on a good foot by updating this blog more frequently and bringing you more of what you love. Soooo sorry to keep you hanging!
What Had Happened Was …
Now what exactly happened, you ask? Well, (takes a deep breath; raises right hand; and promises to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth) I had to focus more on the ever-moving pieces in my life. I hate to make excuses, but a few new projects came my way, which required my full attention. I found myself having minimal time and energy to write, although I had tons of new hair products to review and ideas brewing in the brain. By the time I knew it, months blew by, and we’re now bumping up against a new year. Bad news bears.
BTW–I don’t know how I forgot to mention this when I first uploaded this post. I was sick for nearly a month! I had the flu, which wiped me out for two weeks. I’m still battling a lingering and annoying cough. Hate being sick! That was definitely a time suck.
I apologize again for being MIA! The good news? As I mentioned, I’ve got new news coming your way in 2014, so stay tuned (yes, again)! This is my New Year’s resolution for you.
Looking Back
As for my curly mane, my natural hair goal remains the same–to have waist-length tresses. So far, I’m in good shape, although I have been sporting straightened locks these last few months. Gasp, ya say! Well, that’s what happens when you’re not around to pull me away from my straightening addiction. 🙁 I must admit that I have had some control in the process. I only used minimal heat on my hair and even deep treated it a few times following this style. I found myself experimenting with the traditional comb-chase method of straightening, a departure from my usual straightening technique with a Sonicglide. More on this as well as my length check in an upcoming post.
Looking back on 2013, we missed a very, very important milestone … My Curly Mane turned one year old!!! Yes, it’s been a little over a year since our baby made its debut. Thank you for your support!! I’m so happy that you are reading this blog and hope that it has helped you to make strides in your hair journey. This keeps me motivated. I kept my promise for 2013 and spruced up the look of this blog. Now, I promise to keep the tips and other bits flowing for 2014. More on the belated celebratory affairs soon!
What We Learned

My Curly Mane as seen this month. Making progress! Coming soon: Details on my wash ‘n go look with As I Am Smoothing Gel.
We learned so many lessons this year. Last winter, we learned how to winter proof our poof, a tip I urge you to use again this season. This includes sporting satin-lined hats (still sporting the one I got from Etsy last year–love!), conducting regular scalp massages, and loading up on leave-in conditioner.
In fact, we put two of my beloved leave-in conditioners to the test in another epic product battle and discovered just how important these products are in improving our hair’s condition. Stylistically, we discovered that we absolutely love ballerina buns (no, not because of those incessant Hot Buns commercials). While personally/spiritually, we promised to ignore “Negative Nancies.” Stay far, far away from them in 2014!
You & Me in 2014
This upcoming year is ours! Let’s go in roaring like a lion. Together, let’s work on achieving the next step in our hair goal, while being an even better version of ourselves. We’re proudly rocking our curly manes, going big or going home, and sticking our fingers in our ears to shut out all naysayers and soul suckers. This is our plan, in case you missed the memo. 😉
Before you dive into the New Year, don’t forget to snag my new eBook. Please subscribe to get your free copy of this guide! Hopefully, it will serve as a blueprint throughout your journey.
Kick-off Style
I plan to have a low-key celebration with my BF and friends to ring in 2014, so the look of the day will be simple and naturally free flowing curls as seen in the image above. How are you styling your hair?? Don’t know? Check out the creative looks below from a few ladies that I think got it right. Let me know if you decide to do the same. I wish you many blessings for the New Year!!
Side Puff, Heatless Hair Style (try subbing the ribbon for a little bling … or a blingy ribbon!)
Glittery Smokey Eye Tutorial & DIY Short Marley Twists (Skip to 3:28 for the hair tutorial)
by Nay | Dec 30, 2013 | Uncategorized

O Magazine, September 2013
While I was MIA (see newest post on Forecasting 2014), there have been a lot of natural hair news going around … as usual! In case you missed the September 2013 issue of O Magazine, sit back, relax, and let me catch you up. The Big O (love calling her that) treated us to her “Hair Extravagaaaanza!” Okay, so I added the extra flair with the pronunciation, but Oprah really did make a splash with this issue.
The orange-hued cover set the tone for the magazine’s circus-themed feature. Oprah, looking subliminally feline, is decked out in an orange dress topped off by the biggest, most majestic mane I’ve ever laid eyes on. Her afro took up the bulk of the cover. Did you see it? Trust me. It was hard to miss. Check out the images torn from my copy.
Within the covers, Oprah explains that she was wearing a 3.5 pound afro wig she’s named “Wild Thang.” Fun! Kudos to Gayle King who likened the faux natural look to The Lion King. LOL!

On left, Oprah werks her “Wild Thang.” On right, she proudly shows off her real hair.
The Queen of All Media also confessed to wearing wigs while taping her renowned talk show in order to give her hair a break. Yep, you can’t blame her for wanting to protect her tresses. Back in the day (yes, I took it there), supermodel Gail O’Neill had the most drool-worthy natural hair that I ever saw. As time progressed and her career took off, I noticed that her enviously long locks started to lose its luster and length. I’m assuming here that the ever changing fashion and beauty game just wasn’t kind to Gale’s hair. I’m sure Oprah experienced similar issues.
While “Wild Thang” was spotlighted on the cover, Oprah’s real hair was once again revealed in the back of the magazine. Her self-described “untouched-by-any-hands-other-than-my-own real hair” is set loose. The appearance is similar to a blown out ’fro. Although Oprah says it’s au naturel, her longtime hairstylist Andre Walker explains that “she has very little relaxer in her hair now, so we’ve been exploring her natural texture, twisting or braiding then setting it free!” Cue the debate on whether or not a mild relaxer constitutes natural hair. I say … nay, but to each their own!

Interesting tidbit: O Magazine mentions that the sales of relaxers have plummeted to almost 40 percent from 2007 to 2012, according to market research firm, Mintel. The firm predicts a full drop of 50 percent by 2017.
Nevertheless, I love the artistic layout of this issue, which committed to the circus motif. O Magazine was spot-on in recommending Hello Hydration Conditioner for thick and coarse hair. The writer(s) also provided similar tips that us hair bloggers have been preaching day in and out, such as finding a great gel and conditioning often. Makes me wonder if O’s research department has been visiting the blogosphere. Hmmm.
I wish they could have mentioned other styling options like puddings, but I’m sure the breakdown would be too dense. After all, the magazine was highlighting a diverse array of hair types, with only a few pages dedicate to natural hair. Plus, that’s why you come here, so I can break it all down for ya!
Overall, the September O Magazine was worth the read, including the article on how Oprah prepped for her role in Lee Daniels’ The Butler. Missed it? Check out my images, visit O Magazine’s website, or head over to your local library (remember those? Sigh.) for a copy. Sound off below!
by Nay | Aug 22, 2013 | Newly Natural, Tips

Love these curls!
You probably have noticed that I’ve been doing some research on the science behind our natural hair.
You say: Luuuuccy, you’ve got some ‘splaining to do!
I say (throws hands in the air): But Riiiicky, let me explain!
In case that all went over your head, you gotta catch at least one episode of I Love Lucy–throwback!
Back to my point. I basically wanted to nail down and discuss (in an easily digestible way) some of the key items that affect our hair. This includes all the things that I skipped learning about while I was also learning to embrace my natural hair … for the second time!
Yes, you got that right. A few years ago, I decided to embrace my curly hair (during round two, following straightening addiction), but I overlooked some important elements becaaaause … weeeelllll … there was all this talk about all sorts of scientificy stuff. Ain’t nobody got time for that (folds hands at chest)! Well, at least that’s what I initially thought until I realized that it was taking forrrreeevvvver for my hair to grow! I decided that it couldn’t hurt to do some hair homework.
Between that time and now, I’ve gathered some information, which has been included in my new free, e-book (shameless plug). One of those topics that you need to know about is discussed below–humectants. In case you’re not quite sure how these suckers work, I’ve broken it down for you below. Have no fear, Super Nay is here! 😉 Read more after the jump.

Super Nay (the heroine in my head, ha!). Art by Nay, inspired by Wonder Woman.
What Are Humectants?
Humectants are ingredients and/or products that promote moisture retention. I won’t delve too deeply into compounds and molecules. Just know that these items have a chemical structure that attracts water from the atmosphere and binds it to the molecule. In other words, humectants are attracted to moisture, whether it is in your hair or in the atmosphere, but they work best in moderate climates.
What’s The Impact of High Humidity?
When it is highly humid outside, there is a large amount of water vapor in the air. Dry and damaged hair that is free of products aka porous, thirsty tresses (read more about porosity for detailed information) will naturally seek to absorb the moisture in the air. However, taking in such a large amount of moisture will make your hair full … to the point of swelling and lifting the cuticle layer (the outer layer of hair). This will create frizzy and tangled hair.
Now, if you have a humectant in your thirsty tresses, this will only exasperate the problem. Your hair will become soggy, sticky, and poofy all at once! Recalling a few instances?
What’s The Impact of Low Humidity?
When the humidity is minimal, as seen on most dry, winter days, there isn’t a lot of moisture in the air. If your hair is styled with a product that contains humectants, these items will either:
- Hang onto the moisture in your hair and prevent it from evaporating. This may or may not prove to be successful. Your best bet is to stick with moisturizing products, like leave-in conditioners.
- Remove moisture from your hair’s cortex and send it into the air. Remember that thing about attraction? Your hair will do this because it so kindly believes that the air needs the moisture, of course. Unfortunately, this will also dry out your hair.
What Are Some Examples of Humectants?
Before you use any product, you should read the ingredients to see whether or not humectants are included. This will help you to better prep your hair for the current humidity levels. In other words, you’ll say “aha!” whenever your hair decides to rise up and become a frizzilicious ball on your head.
Just so you have a heads up, here are a few popular humectants found in hair care products:
- Agave Nectar
- Aloe Vera Gel
- Fructose
- Glycerin
- Honey
- Hydrolyzed silk protein
- Panthenol
Now that you’ve got it down, are you ready to take on humidity with humectants? Wham! Bang! Zing!
by Nay | Aug 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
The best protection any woman can have… is courage.” ~Elizabeth Cady Stanton

My curly mane in a perpetual ponytail!
For the past few months, I have been basking in the yummy warmth that summer presents. You could easily find me stretched out (in a quiet, bug free zone!), with my arms and legs extended wide. When my eyes are closed, a simple smile spreads across my face in the utter delight that the good Lord has given me light … literally!
I lay there lingering while the sun’s rays penetrate my bones. I feel my toes, legs, arms, and face grow warm. I freely surrender to the sun, and listen closely to the sound of my body inhaling and exhaling.
I thank God, the father, son, holy spirit, Allah, universe, and all for the summer and these utter sweet moments. To put it simply, I. Love. Summer.
However, somewhere in all that basking and sun worshiping, I lost my mojo! Yes, I went through a hair funk from May through June. I just couldn’t lift a finger to do another twist, rake and smooth another product through my hair, or experiment with more than a handful of products. Sorry, I know I slow rolled and let you down (hangs head in shame). You see, I just went through an easy, breezy period where I was beyond wash and go’s. I wanted to pull it back into a pony, braid the length, smooth the hairline with gel, and go-go-gadget! Aaaand that’s just what I did.
When I initially made the switch, I had a lot of people taking double takes. My own mother even asked (somewhat sadly), “Where’d all the hair go?” Now if you’re familiar with natural hair, you’ll know that it shrinks and reduces volume in its curly state. That’s what happened to me. When I turned around, I revealed my braid … and relieved my mother’s worries.
While snatching and gelling my hair into a pony, it encouraged me to explore the wonderful world of makeup, since the focus was already on me serving face. I enjoyed it, but I have to admit, come July, I wanted my curls back. I returned to wash and go’s, and recently, I’ve been sporting braid-outs.
I really do believe that the time I spent wearing my hair in a ponytail really helped my hair, namely because it is a protective style. It kept my hair and ends protected since they were neatly tucked into a braid and secured from friction and tugging. By the time I was ready to release the kraken, my curly mane was all sorts of popping and curling thanks to aloe vera gel (AVG).
To recap, here’s a quick and dirty breakdown of my summer routine, thus far. Oh, and by the way … drum roll! I think I may have reached waist length! Okay, okay, a few strands are hitting my waist, but the majority is at under boob length. I know you can’t tell by these pics. Ah, natural hair! When the weather cools, I’ll straighten it and share my length check to give you an accurate account. Here’s my routine so far:
- May and June = braided ponytail with As I Am leave-in conditioner and hair slicked down with aloe vera gel
- July = wash and go with aloe vera gel (I gave Eco Styler Gel a pause since AVG was working so well with As I Am)
- August = braid-outs with As I Am’s Twist Defining Cream. Review to come!

Ponytail protective styling with aloe vera gel
Have you been feeling experimental this summer, or have you simplified your routine? Caught in a rut? Spill the beans below!
by Nay | Aug 1, 2013 | Tips

Now, I’ve been praising the miracles of moisturizing natural hair with leave-in conditioners and sealing the cuticle layer (the outermost layer of hair) with an oil or butter. Now, I’m throwing a monkey wrench into the mix. Uh, huh. This one must be explained since it affects us all: porosity.
Huh? Confused? I don’t blame ya! I heard sprinkles of information about porosity for a while now but usually covered my ears and clicked next on my screen. I thought it all sounded too scientific for me.
Guess what? I caved (hangs head down) because I found out that we actually need to know this one. Grab a pencil and pad … er, um … an iPad? Let me give you a quick and painless explanation of porosity and its affect on natural hair.
Porosity is the measurement of your hair’s ability to absorb moisture. Simple. Your hair’s cuticle layer (the outermost layer) is key to porosity levels. When the cuticle is closed, it lays flat and moisture cannot escape or enter the hair shaft. This often results in moisture being sealed into your hair. However, your natural hair may be too porous, not enough, or juuuust right. Hang in there Goldilocks, let me explain.
Normal Porosity
This one’s easy. Natural, black hair easily retains moisture if your porosity is normal. The cuticle layer will open or close based on normal activities and products, but the actual, shingled layer is healthy and intact.
Low Porosity
If your hair has low porosity, it will have trouble opening up due to its overly compact cuticle layer. With this firm barrier, your hair will have difficulty absorbing moisture/water and allowing it to escape. As a result, hair will take longer to absorb products, leaving it dry. It will also be susceptible to product build up.
Needs: A lot of moisture. To open up the cuticle, try steamers, hot oil treatments, and products that are a little more alkaline/have a higher pH level. Add moisture to your hair while it’s damp, before the cuticle layer closes up again.
Need to avoid: Products and techniques that further seal the cuticle, including protein treatments, silicones, and mineral oil.
High Porosity
If your hair has high porosity, it’s a little too friendly, as the cuticle layer remains too open! It will let moisture in and out of your hair very easily, resulting in dry hair. If your hair is very porous, this is often the result of damaged cuticles through excessive direct heat or rough styling. There is no way to repair damaged hair. However, there are a couple of things that can help.
Needs: Oils, butters, apple cider vinegar rinses, cold water rinses, and protein treatments to seal the cuticle layer. Each will temporarily fill in breaks within the cuticle. Products with low pH level (like aloe vera juice) also help.
Needs to avoid: sulfates, direct heat, and harsh chemicals.
How can you determine your hair’s porosity? Try the porosity/float test.
Porosity Test
Grab a strand(s) of hair from your comb or brush and drop it into a cup of water.
- If your hair floats, you have low porosity. The strand(s) stay at the top since it has difficulty absorbing moisture.
- If your hair quickly sinks, you have high porosity. It is taking in water fast!
- If your hair hovers somewhere in the middle, it has normal porosity.
There have been mixed feelings by curlies who have taken this test. Some say that hair has oil on it, so your strand will most likely float. Others have found this to reflect how their hair actually behaves. Junk science?? Hmmm. It couldn’t hurt to try the test or any of these remedies and see.
By the way, I tried the test and my hair floated (see image below), so I apparently have low porosity as well … Hmmm. I’ll keep this in mind as I continue on my hair journey. You should as well. You never know if these remedies will be beneficial to you.
Have you taken the porosity test? Has this helped you with your hair routine and health?

My Curly Mane underwent the Porosity/Float Test. Photo by Nay.
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